Romance bouquet and movie tickets!


A bouquet and 2 movie tickets (Finkino gift card) is a gift when you want something extra to go with the flowers. Delicate and beautiful low bouquet of pink rose, gypsopfila and dark purple eustoma. The flowers used can be varied depending on the store, while the colors and shape of the bouquet remain the same. Movie tickets go to Finnkino theaters. The gift card is valid for at least 30 days on the day of delivery. THE PRODUCT CAN ONLY BE DELIVERED TO OUR OWN DELIVERY AREA IN THE CAPITAL REGION (HELSINKI, VANTAA, ESPOO, KAUNIAINEN, KIRKKONUMMI, SIPOO, JÄRVENPÄÄ, TUUSULA, NURMIJÄRVI)

  • Choose a card *

    Choose a card here. If you don't want a card, choose "Card" and write "No Card" as the card text.

  • Card text *

    Write the text you want on the card here. Remember the signature.


